How to Cozy Up Your Home
With the chill of autumn in the air, it's the perfect time to spruce up your home and add some cozy layers. Whether you want to update one room, or your entire house, we have lots of great tips and products to help you create a warm and comfortable space.
Update Your Bedding With the heat and humidity gone, it's time to swap out those light cottons and linens for something a little warmer. Flannel or jersey sheets, and thicker comforters and blankets are great for holding the warmth in. You'll never want to get out of bed! Add Some Pillows You can't go wrong with a pile of snuggly pillows. Great additions to your bed or couch, throw pillows are an easy way to add warmth, color and texture to any space. Add a Blanket Nothing beats the feeling of wrapping yourself up in a comfy blanket. Add a throw blanket to your couch or bed to make your space look and feel cozier. Roll Out a Rug Fend off cold toes with strategically placed rugs. Placing an area rug or runner next to your bed, under your coffee table, or in other well-traveled spots around your home will keep your feet warm and your house stylish. Update Your Window Treatments Swap out your summer sheers for something both fashionable and functional. Insulated curtains and thicker drapes can help you cut down on heating costs while also giving your space an elegant look. Add Layers to Your Kitchen A small rug or mat near your kitchen sink and cushions on your chairs add a layer of warmth between yourself and bare metal, wood or tile. Table linens are also a great way to dress up your kitchen or dining room, and make it feel more inviting. Are you ready for the colder months ahead? Shop with us at portandbay.com for everything you need to make your home warm and cozy. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact us.